Part 4: The Elder Updates IV - Sterv: Cat in the City
Wolfsheim posted:
Though most dungeons in Oblivion aren't worth exploring (especially the Ayleid ruins), Vilverin is. Plumb those depths, LW!
Well now I'm going to go out of my way to show off several dungeons.

But for now, have an update!
Sterv: Cat in the City
Moments prior to the end of the previous update...

What's this? A spell tome?

Let's have a look... Anyway.

This just says "Absorb Health". How do I...?


I forgot how easy it is.

Tomorrow, I'll go to the city. Try and get geared up, learn some spells before I try to mount this heroic journey of mine.
But now, I rest.

Much better.

Let's see...I'll need better weapons and armor...

Maybe see if I can scrape up some practice spells from Edgar's...

...and building up a stock gold would be nice, too.

Let's go shopping.

First, I'll go sell some of this junk I got off those bandits. Maybe see if I can't hawk these nutritional potions as well.

I've never really been in here, but it's a nice enough place.

Oblivion's Not That Bad Points: -2

Can't help but feel like I'm getting a bit shafted, but ah well.
You gain a little bit of Mercantile skill with each item bought or sold. You can press the Haggle button down in the lower-left corner to try and get better prices when buying and selling, but until you've got some skill you're really better off not messing with it since there's a good chance the merchant will decline your offer outright. Thankfully, haggling isn't outright necessary to raise your skill as it was in Morrowind. Here, I pretty much sell off all my Restore Fatigue potions, extra gear, and valuable clutter items like gems and such.
Oblivion's Not That Bad Points: -1

Next stop:


Well, I'm out of money. Time to go crate-shopping.

I don't know where these came from. Someone just...didn't come back for their crates.

Eventually people started putting their unwanted junk in here.

And the poorer among us, well, we started to go crate-shopping.

Leaving stuff for the poor is, well, a tradition now.

I can't believe the shit people put in here, sometimes.

I mean, look at that. I could go to a banquet like this.

It's things like these that help me scrape by.

A little bit of luck doesn't hurt either. I was going to check out armor, wasn't I?

Nnnnnno, I don't think that's gonna be happening.

I'll take the ol' crate and barrel any day.

I even managed to make a good bit of gold thanks to my new mortar and pestle.

Get some fresh air, find some clothes, practice magic.

And if I'm lucky, I get to treat myself. See? My system works.

But now that I'm a hero, my needs are a bit...


I mean, I need money AND stuff if I'm gonna do great things.

By stealing, I accomplish this. It's a win-win.

I just wanted to point out a quirk of the engine. I've been using the free camera console command to grab some screenshots, and when I used it from first-person, I quickly realized that the game doesn't render your body unless you're in third-person mode. Interesting way of saving memory. It's actually a pretty common practice in game development, but I just wanted to share it with you. It tickles me.

So here I nicked a set of alchemy tools. Without going into too much detail, they make your potions more betterer.

Can't go forgetting the basements.

Hah! You see? Always be thorough.

Now let's see about some new headgear.


I shall have to visit again to try on these other helmets.

The basement delivers again!

Ooh, berries.

...drat. Guess I'm picking up berries now.



Next stop, free weapons!

A bit cramped.

...okay then.


Skewing a little too much towards "smash" for my liking.

THIS hammer I will take, though.

Oho. What have we here?


Screw this. Time to loosen the strings of the Copious Coinpurse.

Perhaps I will seek...other avenues of monetary gain.

Yes. This will work perfectly.

...this outfit is degrading.

No matter. Now, to make some room...

I suppose it's time for something of a vote. Should Sterv gladiate at the Arena and generally rub elbows with the people there, find something else to do in the city, or seek unknown riches in Vilverin? In any event, we'll have to stop by the Bloodworks to pick up our stuff.
And yes, I'm well aware of a certain something in the Arena area, so keep your lips sealed.